Just A Girl certifies 78 beneficiaries from its economic empowerment program
At least 78 beneficiaries of our vocational and economic empower program were on August 14 officially certificated, completing Just A Girl Initiatives 6 and 9 months of vocational and economic empower in tailoring, catering/Pastry, and Decoration.
The beneficiaries with their newly acquired vocational skills have acquired skills in sewing, decorating for events, and prepare different kinds of pastry and food.
The program which marked the closing of the 2nd cycle of the vocational program brought together scores of government officials, educators, members of civil societies, community leaders as well as relatives of the beneficiaries.
Speaking during the occasion, JAGI’s CEO Evelyn Kpadeh Seagbeh said, she feels fulfilled by the achievements of the beneficiaries noting that their decision to empower themselves by positively embracing life and doing great things with their hands to transform their own lives is worthed more commendations.
“I tell you the story of a woman in her late 40s who got enrolled at the start of the program but dropped just after she learned how to make pepper kala. Today that woman now makes and sells “pepper kala and out of it, she educating her grandchildren and putting bread on their table from the income she now earns from ‘pepper kala’, this makes me happy and fulfilled.”
Giving an update on the next upcoming cycle, Madam Seagbeh said Just A Girl has set a new goal of targeting a total of 150 persons to benefit and it’s adding 2 technical skills to include electricity and computer science.
Madam Seagbeh said these additional technical skills would train girls and women in the technical area and not just limit them to catering, tailoring, and decoration.
“We want to develop a generation of young girls and women trained as electricians, Computer Information Technology specialists and in other technical fields to go beyond just tailoring, decoration and catering”
The program also saw the awarding honors, and appreciation to individuals who have been supportive in keeping Just A Girl's vision alive over the years.
The honor of those individuals was not because they have provided millions of dollars to Just A Girl, but because they see the impact of the institution in society and two of such people are Mr. Lawrence G. Cooper and Hon. Tilberosa S. Tarponweh.