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Sexual & Reproductive Health program
Liberia has one of the highest reports of teenage pregnancy rates in Africa. Several factors contribute to this social problem, but key among them is the lack of awareness among teenage and adolescent girls about their sexual and reproductive health.
Most girls especially in Liberia living in very poor and vulnerable conditions don’t lack access to safe and clean sanitary pads, while some girls in this 21st century are still using unsafe pieces of clothes during their menstruation.
Sexual and Reproductive Health Education Program supports:
· Distribution of menstrual pads.
Across our network, we regularly distribute menstrual or sanitary pads to members and other school-going girls at a selected number of schools in poor and underprivileged communities. JAGI has researched and found that 2 in every 10 girls lack access to menstrual pads. Consequently, this leads most girls to miss up on their school days during the months when experiencing their menstruation. They miss school during this period not necessarily that they choose to stay home, but because girls don’t often have access to menstrual pads that would adequately hold their flows to keep from being messed up with bloodstains on their uniforms. As a result of this, girls miss days in school which negatively affects their learning process.
We also extend our pads projects to girls who are not in school. Young women and girls living within communities also lack access. 98 percent of Just A Girl beneficiaries come from very poor families some of whom are already teenage or single mothers. They are often concern about having a meal to eat than purchasing a par that would cost them # 2USD.
Our Pad Project: In 2019, we partner with One Million Girls, a US-based not-for-profit organization that grained 25 members of our network to produce reusable safe menstrual pads. Under our pad project, Just A Girl regularly produces the pad and have them distributed to girls in need. additionally. We are now reciprocating the training to other girls, across 5 communities.
· Reproductive Health Education
Knowledge of the usage of contraceptives or family planning among young and teenage girls is very limited. This is a major factor that has an underlining factor of the increase in teenage-related pregnancy in Liberia.
Under this program, Just A Girl partners with other organizations that work in this field by staging awareness programs and interactive sessions with beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries across communities and schools. our goal is to increase e usage of contraceptives and planning. During the awareness and outreach, our key focus is education and enhancing girls’ knowledge about the effects of teenage pregnancy.
We educate them on how to follow their natural circle to avoid unwanted pregnancy to live productive lives and we put more emphasis on educating them to avoid early sex.
· HIV & AIDS, STI /STD Awareness
Youths are active in sex nowadays with little or no awareness on HIV and AIDS, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, and infections whatsoever. Therefore, providing more education, awareness, and providing counseling to beneficiaries and members on the danger and prevention of these diseases makes a huge part of our work. With our trained and qualified partners, JAGI provides counseling sessions for individual(s) needing such service and as well recommends various service providers.
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