Staff Refresher Training For Cycle 3…Preparing for Bigger Impacts
May 1 2022

Staff Refresher Training For Cycle 3…Preparing for Bigger Impacts
The refresher training at the start of each cycle of the economic empowerment program sets the pace to enhance the performance of the skills trainers' performance and success in the classroom and boost students’ learning outcomes.
With the skills he acquired from Teach For Liberia, JAGI’s program Officer Jimmy Frank facilitated the training where he drilled the teachers on the basic tips of classroom management, lesson presentations, and student and students relation.
The training was a day-long but very interactive, and overall rewarding to the point that the skills trainers recommended that the number of days for training for cycle 4 be increased to at least 2 or 3 days.
Teachers’ preparedness before entering the classroom, Mr. Frank informed the team is very keen to help and boost students’ performance, whether in a regular academic, vocational, or adult education program.
“If you as a teacher are not fully prepared, you would waste 45 precious minutes telling your students' spider’s stories and make no impact, so before you go into the classroom, you as a teacher must first set your goals. Those goals include what you want your students to know, how you measure their level of knowledge, and what will it take you to achieve that” Mr. Frank said.
Frank further drilled the staff and trainers on the step - step lesson planning preparation and stress the importance of lesson planning and encouraged each of the skills trainers to discipline themselves to develop their daily and monthly lesson plans.
This he concluded by energizing the room by allowing each trainer and staff share their experience of “why they teach”? This turned out to be an amazing exercise, the room was spirited and knowledge sharing was worth listening to.
At the start of each cycle, enhancing the capacity of our staff, particularly the skills training teachers/trainers is part of our programming, and the goal is to better prepare the trainers or build upon the knowledge they already have to make they successful and make the learning processes of our beneficiaries interesting and rewarding.